Thursday, 20 October 2011

The Stone Roses Live On Glasgow Green 09.06.1990

Date: 9th June 1990

After the mess that was Spike Island, The Roses wanted to prove to the British press that they could still do it live. Glasgow Green was held in a massive tent, which held 7,000 people.

Mani has said in interviews since that this was their favourite ever gig - "When we were on stage that day, we all looked at each other, and then just went up another level".

The atmosphere was apparently completely intense, and the tent contributed to both the sound and the heat - Ian Brown said he wanted the sweat to hit the ceiling at come back down on the fans! This, of course, was the Roses last gig for five years, and Reni's live swansong - never again would he grace the stage with his wonderful drumming.

Also released as an unofficial bootleg CD, titled 'Into The Silence'.

Released by 3D Reality, in 1990.


1. I Wanna Be Adored
2. Elephant Stone
3. She Bangs The Drums
4. Shoot You Down
5. One Love
6. Sally Cinnamon
7. Sugar Spun Sister
8. Standing Here
9. Fools Gold / Where Angels Play
10. Waterfall
11. Made Of Stone
12. Elizabeth My Dear / I Am The Resurrection


Password: lizmydear


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this legendary last 1990 gig, till 1995.
And yes Reni's swan song for then.................
But now it's 2012 not only the roses comeback but also Reni's double comeback.


Anonymous said...

Nice site and thanks for the work! I wasn't able to get the pw provided to work... same goes for a few other files (most work). Not sure if this is a mediafire issue or what....

henryvilla said...

Try it now buddy - should be working fine!

Thanks for letting me know.


Anonymous said...

Works now! Thanks!

By the way, a lot of your older posts have the same problem-- password is rejected. If you get a chance, please take a look.

Thanks again for all the work on posting this great collection!

Anonymous said...

hi mate can you upload this again its not working ( ive actually bought this 3 times and always goes missing at house parties


henryvilla said...

This link is now working, as of this morning.


guernseygareth said...

thanks for this.

mr_mizer said...

Cheers again Henry

Anonymous said...

Some chancer is knocking out cdrs of this on ebay now, but imo it's ambiguously worded to make you think it might be the factory pressed version particularly as the listing has pictures of the actual real version.

Anyway, anyone know where to buy an original secondhand, since discogs banned boots it's harder to pick up originals of unofficial releases?